* - required fields

Now accepting applications for the 2025-2026 school year.

Before completing the Foundation Scholarship Application, you must complete the Application for Admission.  The link can be found HERE.

The Foundation Scholarship application deadlines are as follows:

February 15th for first round (Please email us at foundation@neosho.edu for an application)

March 28th second round (Please email us at foundation@neosho.edu for an application)

May 1st Mary Grimes School of Nursing applications due (Please email us at foundation@neosho.edu for an application)

Any applications after this date will not be considered.  
Only submit one application per student.

Applicants who have earned less than 12 credit hours of college coursework must submit a high school transcript or GED score.  Students who have earned at least 12 credit hours of college coursework must submit transcripts for previous college courses.  Unofficial transcripts are acceptable however a scholarship application will not be considered until an unofficial of official transcript is received.
To assist our office in matching your application with scholarship funds, please answer the following questions, please read carefully.

Applicants must complete a short introductory statement (in 200 words or less) with any additional information you feel will be helpful for the scholarship committee.  For example: Why are you applying for this scholarship?  Are there any current circumstances in your life you would like us to know about? What are some of your most valuable traits?

Required *

By submitting this form I certify that the information I have provided on this form is true and correct.
Please submit your transcripts to us at foundation@neosho.edu upon completion of the scholarship application.  Unofficial transcripts are acceptable.  SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED UNTIL AN UNOFFICIAL OR OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT IS RECEIVED. ONLY ONE APPLICATION PER STUDENT.